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Contenedores de envío

Maritime Law


In recent years, the expansion of the Panama Canal has fostered an increase of Panamanian-flag ship registries, placing the country on the No. 1 position in this regard at the international level. Such a distinction is due to our privileged geographic position and our role as Latin America’s largest banking and business center.

Advantages of Panama’s Ship Registry:

  • Any person, either individually or as a corporation, has the right to register a vessel under the Panamanian flag.

  • Panama’s ship registration process is fast and easy.

  • Once the provisional navigation patent is obtained, as part of Panama’s ship registration process, the law grants six (6) months for owners to comply with the requirements to apply for the final patent.

  • There is no limit on the required tonnage.

  • Owners wishing to place their ships under the Panamanian registry are not required to re-inspect their vessels, providing that they possess dully recognized certifications issued by a classified safety & tonnage organization.

Our attorneys offer the following process:

Ship registration in Panama, including procedures and the vessel’s registration documents.

The drafting of promise-to-purchase agreements and ship mortgages.

Charter contracts, certifications, and others.

In the same manner, our legal firm conducts said proceedings at Panama’s Maritime Tribunals.


Also, our firm offers the following services:

  • Ship Registration in Panama.▫

  • Ship Mortgage Registrations and Redemptions.

  • Special Navigation Licenses.

  • Proprietor Name Changes and/or the Ship’s Name.

  • Radio Licenses.

  • Maritime Disputes.

  • Advisory services for the sale of vessels and financial transactions, charter contracts, towage & salvage contracts.

  • Vessel Name Reservations.

Buque de carga en el puerto

In addition, our Firm offers the following services:

▫ Flagging of Ships in Panama
▫ Registrations and Cancellations of Naval Mortgages
▫ Special Navigation License
▫ Change of Name of Owner and / or change of Name of the Ship
▫ Radio License
▫ Maritime Litigation
▫ Advice on the sale of Ships and financial transactions, charter contracts, towing and salvage contracts
▫ Reservation of the name of the ship

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